eeg monitoring

Electrodiagnostic Solutions

Epilepsy and other brain disorders affect millions of people world-wide but many patients do not have access to long-term EEG monitoring. Not anymore! With the ICE cap and Neuronaute (N) system developed by Bioserenity we provide seamless access to EEG in a variety of clinical settings including rural and remote environments.

Explore and Understand Your Brain

EEG is an important tool in achieving optimal brain health. Your brain is made up of billions of neurons that communicate with each other using electricity. We can record and interpret these signals to understand your brain function in health and disease.

eeg testing caribbean

Importance of EEG Monitoring

Understanding Your Brain

The ICE-Cap and N-System assists healthcare professionals in the diagnosis, monitoring and assessment of epilepsy and other neurological disorders.

Innovative Technology

The ICE-Cap and N-System consists of hardware and software that acquires, displays, stores and transmits EEG signals from the brain to the N-CLOUD for later analysis by our academy of expert interpreters.

Cost Effective and Rapid Diagnosis

The ICE-Cap and N-System can help in the diagnosis of epilepsy, encephalopathy, concussions and sleep abnormalities in a convenient and affordable manner.

neuro naute device

The ICE CAP Six Key Factors

1. High fidelity recordings
2. Recording can be started anywhere there is a good internet connection even with mobile personal hotspots.
3. Very light weight.
4. Disposable.
5. Patient can go home comfortably wearing the device.
6. Does not require the application of toxic substances to keep the electrodes in place.

The Process

To record an EEG, an extremely light-weight, durable and disposable state of the art ICE CAP is placed on the head of the patient by our skilled technicians.
Upon completion of test, the results will be uploaded to our secured cloud server after which our neurologist Dr. Scantlebury and his team will interpret and give his assessment and a final report will be emailed to you.

eeg process


How is this going to help my patients?

Your patients will have the benefit of quicker and efficient EEG test results anywhere, anytime. 

How soon is the data reviewed?

Routine test results can be 24hrs.

Prolonged test results can be 3 days.

Results can be given urgently

Use of artificial intelligence to speed interpretation. 

How effective is it?

With over 2k estimated Neurologists currently using the N-System worldwide with 20,000 EEG’s interpreted per year.

Where is the information stored?

The information will be stored on the secure N-cloud.

What are the age groups?

The current ICE CAP being used can be worn and tested 14 years and up, however, we can record EEG in patients of all ages.

Passionate about Your Community

We are creating an extensive team of trained professionals throughout the Caribbean to meet your needs. Click below to find a local provider…